Summer Project Opportunities
Posted by Jack L on

Want to do something different this summer? In addition to the summer jobs we have available this summer, we are also looking for interns to help us on some testing and creative cool project development opportunities. The projects are conducted through the Riipen LevelUp program. If you are a registered student in a recognized university or college in Canada, head over to Riipen and apply to work for some of our projects. Unfortunately, international students are currently not eligible for this program =(
A list of all our projects can be found here:
Summary by projects:
Creative Electronics Project Development
Help us create some creative projects for our blog and youtube channel.
Product Testing and Documentation
Help us create some example codes and example projects for our products
Miniaturization of Hydraulophone
In collaboration with MannLab Canada, help us redesign and miniaturize a hydraulophone. This is a design / research project with possible research opportunities in the future. We are looking for a few good designers and makers for this project.
Design of Software Lock-in Amplifier
In collaboration with MannLab Canada, help us design and test a novel software lock-in amplifier. This is a design / research project with possible research opportunities in the future. We are looking for a few good programmers, designers and makers for this project.
Chop Chop and apply ASAP!
@riipen #levelup #riipenlevelup #summerjob #summeropportunities #researchposition #designer #maker #programmer #arduino #raspberrypi #sdr
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