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The ease of use of a Nano board with the addition of secure IoT and BT connectivity.

This small, robust and powerful board has WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity that combined with its low power architecture makes it a practical and cost effective solution for your connected projects.

Arduino Nano 33 IoT is fully compatible with the Arduino IoT Cloud and supports full TLS secure transport: the ATECC608A cryptochip stores the cryptographic keys in hardware, offering a very high level of security for this class of products. The integration with the Arduino IoT Cloud offers also a very efficient way of setting up online dashboards with little coding and minimal effort .

In the same iconic size of the Arduino Nano, the Arduino Nano 33 IoT hosts an Arm Cortex-M0+ SAMD21 processor, a WiFi and Bluetooth module based on ESP32, a 6 axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and a crypto chip which can securely store certificates and pre shared keys.

The board can either be used in a breadboard (when mounting pin headers), or as a SMT module, directly soldering it via the castellated pads.

Dimensions: 45x18mm


This board is based on the SAMD21G18A microcontroller.

Clock up to 48MHz
Flash 256KB

Please note: Arduino Nano 33 IoT only supports 3.3V I/Os and is NOT 5V tolerant so please make sure you are not directly connecting 5V signals to this board or it will be damaged. Also, as opposed to Arduino Nano boards that support 5V operation, the 5V pin does NOT supply voltage but is rather connected, through a jumper, to the USB power input.

The communication on WiFi and Bluetooth is managed by a NINA W102 ESP32 based module. The module is connected to the SAMD21 microcontoller with an SPI BUS and a serial port through the following pins:

SAMD21 Pin SAMD21 Acronym NINA Pin NINA Acronym Description
13 PA8 19 RESET_N Reset
39 PA27 27 GPIO0 Attention Request
41 PA28 7 GPIO33 Acknowledge
23 PA14 28 / 21 GPIO5 / GPIO19 SPI CS / UART RTS
24 PA15 29 / 20 GPIO18 / GPIO22 SPI CLK / UART CTS
21 PA12 36 GPIO12 SPI MOSI
31 PA22 23 GPIO3 Processor TX -> Nina RX
32 PA23 22 GPIO1 NINA TX -> Processor RX

Some of the NINA W102 pins are connected to the 15+15 pins headers/pads and can be directly driven by the module's ESP32; in this case it is necessary that the SAMD21 corresponding pins are aptly tri-stated. Below is a list of such signals:

SAMD21 Pin SAMD21 Acronym NINA Pin NINA Acronym Header Description
48 PB03 8 RESET_N A7
14 PA09 5 GPIO0 A6
8 PB09 31 GPIO33 A5/SCL
7 PB08 35 GPIO5 / GPIO19 A4/SDA

The IMU is a LSM6DSL and it is managed through I2C.

The crypto chip is an ATECC608A and has a supporting library that is used by the WiFiNINA library.

The board has a two 15 pins connectors - one on each side -,  pin to pin compatible with the original Arduino Nano.

Pin Funcion Type Description
1 D13 Digital GPIO
2 +3V3 Power Out Internally generated power output to external devices
3 AREF Analog Analog Reference; can be used as GPIO
4 A0/DAC0 Analog ADC in/DAC out; can be used as GPIO
5 A1 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
6 A2 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
7 A3 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
8 A4/SDA Analog ADC in; I2C SDA; Can be used as GPIO (*)
9 A5/SCL Analog ADC in; I2C SCL; Can be used as GPIO(*)
10 A6 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
11 A7 Analog ADC in; can be used as GPIO
12 VUSB  Power In/Out Normally NC; can be connected to VUSB pin of the USB connector by shorting a jumper
13 RST Digital In Active low reset input (duplicate of pin 18)
14 GND Power Power Ground
15 VIN Power In Vin Power input
16 TX Digital USART TX; can be used as GPIO
17 RX Digital USART RX; can be used as GPIO
18 RST Digital Active low reset input (duplicate of pin 13)
19 GND Power Power Ground
20 D2 Digital GPIO
21 D3/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
22 D4 Digital GPIO
23 D5/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
24 D6/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
25 D7 Digital GPIO
26 D8 Digital GPIO
27 D9/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
28 D10/PWM Digital GPIO; can be used as PWM
29 D11/MOSI Digital SPI MOSI; can be used as GPIO
30 D12/MISO Digital SPI MISO; can be used as GPIO

(*) As opposed to other Arduino Nano boards, pins A4 and A5 have an internal pull up and default to be used as an I2C Bus so usage as analog inputs is not recommended. Opposed to Arduino Nano boards that support 5V operation, the 5V pin does NOT supply voltage but is rather connected, through a jumper, to the USB power input.

On the bottom side of the board, under the communication module, debug signals are arranged as 3x2 test pads with 100 mil pitch. Pin 1 is the bottom left one with the USB connector on the left and the test pads on the right

Pin Function Type Description
1 +3V3 Power Out Internally generated power output to be used as voltage reference
2 SWD Digital SAMD11 Single Wire Debug Data
3 SWCLK Digital In SAMD11 Single Wire Debug Clock
4 UPDI Digital ATMega4809 update interface
5 GND Power Power Ground
6 RST Digital In Active low reset input


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